December 16th, 2014

10 New Year Resolutions for 2015

Here’s 10 New Year Resolutions ideas for you to add to the ‘drink less’ and ‘exercise more’ list you’ve already got.

1. Look at the important stuff

Do you spend your time dashing from crisis to crisis? Or, fiddling around with crappy stuff? In the melee of life it’s too easy to forget about the “Important but Not Urgent” stuff. Spend a moment to write some of it down – and check your progress through the year to make sure you’re getting it done.

2. Be more organised

Deal with stuff once. Don’t faff about.

3. Have a plan

Adventure is just bad planning – Roald Amundsen

You might not need a detailed strategic plan. You do need some idea of where you want to be and how you’re going to get there. One page is fine.

4. Create a budget

Boring, boring, boring…. But 3 hours spent looking at what you’ll earn and what you’ll spend over the next year can be incredibly enlightening. The process of doing a budget is just as invaluable as monitoring how you’re doing against the budget you set.

5. Get Social

There’s a world of social media there to help you promote your business and make new contacts. Like real networking you need to make sure you’re ‘in the right room’ and – like real networking – don’t just stand there and shout about what you’re selling.

6. Outsource

Focus on what you’re good at. Get someone else to do the rest.

7. Tech is your friend

Technology is moving along at a massive rate (you might have noticed). Accounting is no different. You can now raise an invoice on your phone, take a credit card payment on your phone, take a photo of an invoice and have it magically appear in your accounts… and lots more.

8. Be early

There’s stuff that needs doing by a deadline. Don’t add to your stress levels by waiting until the last minute. Do it early and wallow in smugness for the rest of the year.

9. Don’t forget yourself

Don’t just focus on your business. Spend a little time making sure you and your family would be ok if disaster struck. The best business advice I’ve ever had – ‘Get Good Insurance’

10. And finally, have fun…

….or what’s the point?!

Have a great 2015 from us all at Jonathan Ford & Co.

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John manages a wide portfolio of owner managed businesses and oversees the smooth operation of the firm’s payroll department.

After obtaining his degree in mathematics from the University of Liverpool, John joined Jonathan Ford & Co in 2004 and qualified as a chartered accountant four years later. John likes to keep abreast of developments in tax and accounting and is responsible for the mentoring of junior staff.

Outside of work, John enjoys powerlifting and is a Liverpool FC season ticket holder.

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