February 3rd, 2015

How SaneBox could keep you sane


Are you drowning in emails?

Apparently, the average professional gets about 120 emails every day. And each time your email pings it’s a distraction that loses you 64 seconds.

Most of the emails aren’t urgent or important. They’re newsletters, promotions, receipts, notifications, Twitter alerts…and general crappyness. And I’ve not even mentioned spam.

The problem gets worse. The important and urgent stuff – emails you really need to deal with – get lost in the mess.

And it gets even worst than that… lots of us (me included) use our email as a ‘to do’ list…grinding our way through the list each day.

But it’s a list that anyone can write on.

Strangers, salespeople, the online store you bought from once. Anyone can just pop another thing on your list.

There is a solution that we’ve started to use. It’s called SaneBox and it sorts out all your emails before they land on whatever device you’re using. It analyses all your historic emails and, using clever logic, decides who is important to you. It’s only this stuff that hits your inbox. Everything else is sorted into special folders for ‘later’, ‘receipts’, ‘newsletter’ and lots of others…including custom ones. If it gets something wrong then moving it to the right folder will ‘teach’ SaneBox what to do next time.

Set up was a doddle. I just edited the folder names to put an @ symbol in front of each SaneBox folder so they’re at the top of my list.

They do a 14 day trial and prices start from $7 per month.

You can find out more here (this is an affiliate link that means we get $5 credited to our account if you take a trial. I’ve not written this blog because we need $5. I’ve written it because I think it’s a great product that could save you loads of time)

We love looking at ways our clients can improve how they run their business. To find out how we can help you call us on 0151 426 4512 for a free consultation.

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John manages a wide portfolio of owner managed businesses and oversees the smooth operation of the firm’s payroll department.

After obtaining his degree in mathematics from the University of Liverpool, John joined Jonathan Ford & Co in 2004 and qualified as a chartered accountant four years later. John likes to keep abreast of developments in tax and accounting and is responsible for the mentoring of junior staff.

Outside of work, John enjoys powerlifting and is a Liverpool FC season ticket holder.

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